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Blog Post: Eclipse

This photo is from my friend Curt in Tennessee. He told me they had an eclipse party. Sun chips, hot dogs and eclipse gum (for desert, of course). My brother drove from LA to Nashville with his grandkids to see the full eclipse. It was a heroic drive with car trouble and everything.

For me, the event itself was wondrous and I was in the path of a partial eclipse. Not the full thing.

Yet, many of my friends were a bit, 'meh'. Why?

Maybe because there was no band, or opening ceremony, or chorus of dancing beauties, or a speaker to distract our ego infused mind. Most of us were on our own to fill in the meaning of what was really happening. A this doesn't affect me attitude.

But for a few brief moments we could be present to something vast, bigger than our single life, our block, our circumstances, our patterns of thinking that we 'know just how it is'.

Somehow science and rational thinking has ironed flat the wonder of life. The wonder of stars, sun, moon and, the tides. I could go on but I will keep it spare.

I have had a moody and upsetting week. My feelings of failure at every turn derailed me. The eclipse gave me a brief moment of freedom. It brought me back to the pure joy of our planet.

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